Department Of Mass Communication

Chapters: 1-5
PRICE: ₦ 5,000.00



The effect of unilorin radio on student performance.

Uni-ilorin radio 89.3fm is the best campus radio innigeria because it isn the first campus radio station in the whole of Nigeria to start 24hrs broadcasting and the first broadcasting house to stard 24hrs round the clock program in Kwara State.. it has range of dynamic OAPs, great program to Educate, enlighten, entertain as well as inform the vast audience. the station is truly better by far.

In this project, we would be discussing the following:- 

(i) History Of Unilorin Radio 

(ii) Introduction 

(iii) Statement of problems 

(iv) Concept of broadcasting 

(v) Research design / methodology 

(vi) Data presentation and analysis 

(vii) Summary conclusion and recommendations 



Radio broadcasting is the transmission of signals intended for reception that is carried through the public our waves. The radio is one of the best media of mass communication  because it cuts across literacy and through the public airwaves, it can reach large heterogeneous audience.

Radio is definitely a part of human lives whether you listen to AM,FM, digitally enhanced “HD’ radio satellite radio internet web-based station or participate I amateur “ham” radio transmission, you are using radio even your cell phone or pager uses radio waves and frequencies to operate.

The establishment of unilorin radio on Nigeria higher institutions enhances academic and social activities on these campuses. Information dissemination to both the students an staff of the institution can be done at ease academics seminars and social activities can be carried out on campus of unilorin through the unilorin radio broadcasting plat form.

Unilorin radio (also known as 89.3fm) is run by students of the university of Ilorin, programs of the station are exclusively by students but sometimes include programmers from the wider community in which the radio station is based. 

Unilorin radio is established with the aim oif broadcasting educational programme through other radio station existing to provide an alternative to commercial broadcasting on government broadcasters.

Unilorin radio has the widest audience and popularity among any other campus radio. According  to MGbefume (1985) the term broadcasting media is the scattering or spreading of information, news messages, ideas or thoughts through the air by means to what we know as radio communicated to a large heterogeneous audience who are located at different point of a wider area for reception through an appropriate salts of equipment designed for their purpose i.e through the radio and television set and such message can be received either orally or visually or both ways. Unilorin radio can this be said to have fulfilled this definition of broadcasting media.

Campus radio stations are generally licensed and regulated by national government and so is unilorin radio.

One commodity between many radio station regard less of their physical locations is willingness- or, in some countries, even a licensing is requirement – to broadcasting musical selection that are not categorized as commercial nits. Because of this unilorin radio has come to be associated with emerging musical tends, including genres such as punk and new wave, alternative rook and ship hop, long before those genres become part of the musical mainstream. Unilorin radio also provides airplay and promotional exposure to new and emerging local artists 


It is a known fact that radio as a broadcasting medium has contributed immensely to the socio political and economic development of Nigeria, this research work will thus evaluate the effective roles and the Nigeria contribution of Unilorin radio to students’ performance on Nigeria institution campuses.


(i) Do unilorin radio contributes to the development and consumption pattern of academic activities I Nigeria higher institution?

(ii) What are the hindrance militating against the adequate utilization of unilorin radio in Nigeria higher institution campuses 

(iii) In what ways can unilorin radio be improved on Nigeria higher institution campuses?

(iv) What are the contributions of institution governing bodies in establishing unilorin radio on Nigeria higher institution 


The objective of the study is to educated the management of  unilorin radio with the aim of assessing roles in enhancing academic performance of students on Nigeria higher institution campuses?


The study is very important as it will enhance further development of unilorin radio in the institution which already has it and it will serve as an eye opener to other institutions which are yet to constitute their own campus radio as the study greatly highlighted the importance of campus radio on Nigeria higher institution campuses? 


The scope of the study will cover the theoretical scope behind radio as a broadcasting media. It will also evaluate the performance of unilorin FM as a case study of the research. 


Early attempts on wireless transmission were made by auglielmo Marconi. He worked on enrich hertiz’s theory of electromagnetic waves by using American, Marconi realized he needed a wireless link to achieve his aim.

Nigeria first had its taste of broadcasting in 1932 since it has a principal target of british entalist propaganda. The british government decide to link its colonies with Britain.

It started with simple transmission of BBC programmes on a relay system operated in Britain. The system was called radio distribution service (RDS), subscription to RDS started in Lagos, Ibadan, Enugu, Kaduna, and Portharcourt. By 1950, a solid premises had been laid for indigenization of broadcast service in Nigeria.

In 1951, following the British government’s acceptance of Airport, the Nigeria broadcasting service (NIB’S) was established through it operated under the (BBC). The colonial powers continued to keep a meticulous hold on the operation of N.B.C.

The Nigeria broadcasting service monopolized the broadcasting teoram of Nigeria till a political incident in the late 1950’s which precipitated an unyielding need for a rival broadcasting outfit.

It all started when a motion was? Since it was intended to truncate colonial rule in Nigeria and pared way for our country’s independence it did not enjoy unanimous support of the parliamentarians it created a lot of the house by members of the action group and mass resignation of materials oppontee’s embolic marked a turning point the political system. The walk out of the house death a serious blow to the operation of McPherson constitution which at that time had just been promulgated. The constitution which replaced the Richard’s constitution had granted more power and autonomy to regions.

All the acts infuriated the colonial governor at that time, Mr. McPherson he went on air to broadcasting to the nation and he said he regretted what he referred to as loss of good will from the regions to the central government the speech was directed at the action group.

The action did not want the colonial governor’s speech to go without a reply. Chief Obafemi Awolowo bought to use NBS for his reply but was denied access to the medium. The action infuriated chief Obafemi Awolowo who expressed disappointment at the way the NBS allowed itself to be manipulated by the colonial governor.

When the time came to review the 1953 constitution, an assignment precipitant by the action group’s face off with the central government. The party canvassed for the removal of broadcasting matters from the executive list to the concurrent list. It was therefore a mark of victory for action group when this was done.

The action group immediately set in motion machinery to set up a broadcasting station that will not only by rivalry but by the superior to the N.B.S.

The transformation of the NBS in 1957 to Nigeria broadcasting corporation (NBC) did not excite Chief Awolowo.

The dream of Chief Awolowo and his group came to fruition in October 1959 when established and started television broadcasting corporation entered into partnership with overseas rediffusion Ltd U.K a foreign broadcasting company for radio broadcasting two years later the shares of foreign partner and become the sole proprietor, thereby making western Nigeria broadcasting in ccorporation to engage in both radio and television broadcasting. This revolution are broadcasting in Nigeria and broke the monopoly of the N.B.C other region began to follow and more radio stations began to spring up and are still springing up till today.


Broadcasting:- broadcasting is the distribution of audio and video content to a disperse audience via any audio or visual mass communication medium but usually one using electromagnetic radiation (radio waves).

Media:- this is an (electronics & computer services / communication & information) the means of communication that reach large number of people such as television, newspaper and radio.

Education:- this is an act or process of importing or gaining knowledge, judgment and a level of intellectual maturity or an act or process of imparting or acquiring particular knowledge or skill as or a profession.

Development:- development is the act of process of growing progressing or developing.

Media consumption:- media consumption of the media diet in the sum of information and entertainment media taken in by an individual or group.


H1:- Uniilorin radio contributes to the academic performance of 

students in Nigeria

H2:- Uniilorin radio does not contributes to the academic 

performance of students in Nigeria

H1:- Uniilorin radio can improve the academic performance of 

students in Nigeria

H2:-  Uniilorin radio cannot improve the academic performance of 

students in Nigeria 

H1:- uniilorin radio have some iderance due to back of adequate 

utilization use of the radio station in Nigeria

H2:- Uniilorin radio does not have any iderance due to lack of 

adequate utilization of the radio station in Nigeria

H1:- Uniilorin radio contributes to Nigeria light institution through 

the institution governing bodies

H2:-  Uniilorin radio does not contributes to Nigeria higher 

institution through the intuition governing bodies.
