The significance of motivation and staff performance (A Case Study of Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin).

This project is divided into five chapters. Chapter one consist of introduction of the study, objectives of study and the problems encountered in the course of the study.

Chapter two will focus attention mainly on the review of related literature on the review of related literature on motivation try to apply or review some notable motivated theories postulated by early scholars e.g Abrahram Maslow hierarchy of needs, Mc Gregor theory e.t.c.

Chapter three will focus attention on the research methodology, origin and historical background of the constitution, Kwara State Polytechnic, the organization structure of school.  Functions of management boards of the school and the school management ad the functions of the office of the director, chairman and the administrative department.

Chapter Four will concentrate on the staff motivation in Kwara State Polytechnic and the various types of motivational factors at the Kwara State Polytechnic, It will also include the role of staff union and their achievement at the Kwara State Polytechnic and the problem of motivational in the school will also be highlighted.

Chapter five consist of summary, recommendation and conclusion, questionnaire and reference on staff


Title page

Approval page 



1.1 General introduction

1.2 Statement of the problem 

1.3 Objectives of the study

1.4 Significance of the study

1.5 Scope and limitation of the study 

1.6 Definition of Key terms


Literature Review 

2.1 Historical background of the case study and organizational structure.  

2.2 Theory X and Y of Dauglas Mc Gregor

2.3 Abraham H. Maslow Hieracly of Needs.

2.4 Professor Chris Argyns Immaturity and Maturity.

2.5 Vroom Expectancy Theory 

2.6 Managerial Grid.

2.7 Dc. Mc Celland Achievement Motivation Theory 

2.7.1 The Authoritarian Leadership system

2.7.2 Democratic leadership Style

2.7.3 A Genuine Laizez Faire style or Leader

2.8 Two Factors Theory Fredrick Herobergy

2.9 Types of Leadership

2.9.1 The Authority

2.9.2 Democratic leadership style 

2.9.3 A Genuine Laizzes –fare styles of leader.



3.1 Introduction 

3.2 Research Design

3.3 Population Sampling and Sample

3.4 Method of Data Collection 

3.5 Method of Data Analysis

3.6 Testing Validity and Devalidity of Data Instrument.



4.1 Data collection 

4.2 Data Presentation and Analysis 



5.1 Introduction

5.2 Summary 

5.3 Recommendation 

5.4 Conclusion 





Motivation is a management tools, management is very exciting and dynamics discipline which has a special appeal to people who aimed at getting things done in an effective and efficient way, the art defining management is however not easy.

Management can be view from different aspect of main’s activities in his effort to achieve the stated objective to an organization effectively and efficiently while some people has the terms that help management to operate, control and co-ordinate effectively and efficiency.

Motivation is a process and manner in which objective of an organization are achieve the through the combinations and coordination of the available resource which are motivation of work to increase the level of productivity.

However, for implantation to work out effectively there are some management skill needed by manager which will assist in carrying out his/her duties in an organization effectively. 

Robert Katz classified skill as basic of work to help managers to work effectively in an organization.

In has book called managerial techniques and skill (1862)pg 63.

i. Technical skills:- This is the ability of a manager to use tools and procedure and techniques in specialized field.

ii. Human skills:- This is an ability of the mental require understanding and motivate people to achieve the stated goals.

iii. Conceptual skills:- Is also a mental ability require of manager co-ordinate and integrate all the interest of an organization.

Finally, this study will look into management skill, how it has helped early organization and in our modern days with it usefulness in staff motivation and it productivity in an organization.


The researcher in this research work state motivation as a significance on staff performance, this research work made it known to use that motivation is very essential in their performance of staff.  If the staff are been motivated by the employers appraisal then to will affect positively the workers performance.


The study aims at enlighten the case study which is Kwara State Polytechnic is motivating their staff teaching and non teaching staff so as to ensure effective work done.

However, the researcher intention is to encourage the staff of Kwara State by appraising the workers whenever a worker is going well encouraging subs-workers by improving his salary declaring him as the best so as the make other improve in their working skill too. The essence of this project therefore is to evaluate and examine the present movational strategies available in Kwara State Polytechnics and its effect on the student.

Motivation as a management tools, if well applied in organization, increases productivity and efficiency of worker staff welfare is a way to productivity commitment to workers and improvement to their efficiency.

The objective of the study is to highlight the following:-   

1. The significance of staff motivation in Kwara State Polytechnic.

2. To highlight the present motivational strategies available ion the school.

3. To highlight the correlation between motivator workers productivity and efficiency.

4. To evaluate and examine the role of Kwara State Management.


Motivation has special importance to the economy or organization of country for the following reason:-

1. Supplement your long term objectives with short term goals and specific action. 

2. Make your job a different one set improvement objectives for your position with some imagination you probably can considerably increase your productivities. 

3. Develop an area of expertise.  Build on your strengths or develop one of your weakness into a strength.

4. Gives yourself feedback and reward yourself setting veritable goods provides your with a standard against which you can measure your performance.


The scope of the study us the significance of motivation on staff performance in Kwara State Polytechnic with the particular reference of the Kwara State Polytechnic which the researcher u  ses as the cases study.  Studying will cover both the teaching and non teaching staff of the polytechnic.

In any research undertakes certain factors or constraints must limit one’s inspiration.  The main limitation encounter was to get the staffs to complete the questionnaire because some of the staff were very busy.

Secondly, some staffs deliberating refused to complete the questionnaire on the ground that they mighty be reprimanded by supplying relevant and useful information as contained in the questionnaires given out to staff to complete could not be collected. 

Thirdly, financial constraint has made traveling to other polytechnic or schools outsides states in the federation difficult.

The should have allowed for comparable how workers are being motivated by both board of director and school management.


MOTIVATION:- This is the set of process that moves or motivate a person towards a goal.  This can also be regarded as the driving force by which we achieve our goals. 

STAFF:- This can be regarded as all the workers employed in an organization considered as a group.

ORGANISATION:- This can be defined as group of people who form a business together in order to achieve as particular aim. 

MANAGEMENT:- This can be defined as a social process entailing responsibility for the effective and economic planning and regulation of the operative of an enterprises for the fulfillment of a given tasks.

REWARDS:- This can be defined as something given or received in return for a service or merit.

PROMOTION:- This can be defined as the activity that encourages people to believe in the value or importance of something or that helps something to succeed. 

Discipline:- This can be regarded as the practice of training people to obey rules and orders and punishing them if they do not; the controlled behaviour or situation that results from this training.  The school has a reputation  for his standard of discipline.

SATISFACTION:- This is the good feeling that you have when you have achieved something or when something that you wanted to happen does happen.

Productivity:- This means the rate at which a worker a company or country produces goods and amount produced. Compared with how much time work and money is needed to produce them.

TRAINING:-  This is the process of learning the skills that you need to do a job.

AUTHORITY:-  This is the power to give order to people.  The people or an organization who have the power to make decisions or who have a particular area of responsibility in a country or region.

PERFORMANCE:- This is how well or badly you do something; how well or badly something works;

ACHIEVEMENT:- A thing that somebody has done successfully, especially using their own effort and skill.

COMMUNICATION:- This is the activity or process of expressing ideas of feelings or of giving people information.

DEVELOPMENT:- The gradual growth of something so that it becomes more advanced, stronger e.t.c.



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