Department Of Public Administration

Chapters: 1-5
PRICE: ₦ 5,000.00




Effective communication as a major determinant of organizational development has been a great concern for the co-operation as well as the nation over the decade and more recently.

The need for effective communication in an organization development make the military historian to think or army line of communication in military organization the teacher towards the student, the supervisor towards the subordinate and vice versa.

Also he must allow for the possibility that communication take place not only between individuals but also firm institution and government and various business organization working towards organizational development, it is necessary to obtain and maintain a tight and effective communication gap within the various functions in organization

There should be a good relationship between the superior and the subordinate between on department and the other and more importantly between the organization and the various environment components.

Communication is an organization is mainly concerned with how to send and interprets feeling and well as ideas and information, thus the world communication can be referred to as an act of importing to transmitting information.

Communication in an organization also involves the major’s i.e. the sender and the receiver. An effective communication is of great important in and out of any organization in relation to their set of goals and objectives i.e. if organizational objectives are to be achieved, there must be a sound level in their relationship and this could be attained through the degree of its communication.

In deverell word, there are some communication skill which an organization most develop upon i.e. the writing and reading skills with in an organization, the speaking and listening skill and the proper usage of meeting in an organization

The deliverance of communication towards organizational development can not be achieved with out the following elements or factors

i. sender

ii. message information

iii. channel

iv. receiver

v. feed back – reply

Effective communication can be view in terms of dynamics in in an organization as it occur in inter relationship between the management and staff

However, sound ideas and will reasoned decision becomes effective only if is being transmitted to others achieved the desire action on reaction in such organization the giving of an understanding that the massage involves by subordinate to the point that the is able to respond through appropriate action in what effect communication can be said to be. The purposeful and result exchange through which reality, actions and reactions are being organization in an organization. For purposeful communication to be effective towards an organizational development in any organization the following must be noted.

i. The massage send most be specific and unambiguous 

ii. The message within and outside an organization must be simple.

iii. the timing of various instruction most be strictly adhere to

iv. the rule must be one word one subject

v. The receiver must understand the expected action


Communication is essential for internal and external functioning of any organization because the integrate the managerial functions especially communication is needed in organization to effect changes to influence action towards the welfare of the organization

The four of this study is to ascertain the effectiveness of communication as a major determinant of organization development.

It is also to select develop and apprize member of the organization to lead, direct and create a climate in which its people want to contribute and more so, to control performance for effective organization development. 

It is also to relate the enterprises to its external environment it is through information exchange that a manager becomes aware of the suppliers, the claim of stockholders.

It is through communication that any organization becomes an open system interacting that any organization becomes an open system interacting with its environment a fact whose importance in emphazed through out this project.


Importance of effective communication in an organization is the scope range of this project. It is to determine how an organization plan and execute its communication process in order to achieve the aims and objectives of such organization.

This project will also analyse the various ways in which effective communication has been a major determinant of organizational development. With the keep of the case study, it will also determine how the Nigeria bottling company (case study) manages it communication system internally and externally with the sole aim of acquiring an apprehended and.


This has been interns of the following

i. The size and complexity of an organization of tens determines the rate of its communication efficiency in its organizational development.

ii. Timing is very important in a situation where there is tension around the receiver of the massage the message could be ineffective

iii. Personality and ego conflict has been a major set back towards effective communication. Parties may be seeing their personal difference instead of the message this poising a problem against effective communication

iv. Tirelerancy in communication and its channel filters the meaning of the message and confling signals take place.

v. Noise has been a setback too. It is an unwanted part which has contributed a problem to the effective of the communication.

1.4 research hypothesis

Null hypothesis (Ho)

Alternative hypothesis (Hi)

1. Ho: effective communication will not improve organization development

Hi: effective communication will improve organization development.

2. Ho: effective communication is not a major determinant of organization development

Hi: effective communication is a major determinant or organization development

1.5 plan of the study

This project is plan and arranged into five (5) chapters. 

Chapter one consist of introduction of the study, scope of the study, statement of the problem, research question plan of the study and definition of terms.

Chapter two consists of literature review, concept of communication, and importance of communication, purpose of the study and communication flow in an organization.

Chapter three consists research methodology, method used for data collection, sources of data and procedure for data collection.

chapter four consist the historical background of the study, organization structure of Nigeria bottling company, the role of communication to development  of Nigeria bottling company and data analysis and presentation. Finally, chapter five consists of summary, conclusion, recommendation and bibliography.


ENCODING;- this is the way in which any message that originates in the mind is written down or spoken in order to be able to communicate with another person. The way we convey meaning by the words, figure, diagrams and speech and so on is peculiar to each other.

CHANNEL:- the means by which information is conveyed is called channel. The following are some common channel internal mail system, external postal services radio television and satellite links. Distortion, losses and delays may occur to make channel imperfect. It is necessary therefore to ensure that we make a choice of a correct channel and bearing in mind matter such as urgency sensitivity and need for security and accuracy. 

NOISE:- The term noise in communication does not only refer to actual physical noise. It refers to anything which causes the message not to be correctly interpreted or anything that does not allow information to get through to the receiver. Noise can be briefly defined as any distortion or distraction preventing perfect transmission of the idea in the mind of the source to the mind of the listener.

DECODING:- this is the process by which information received through communication is converted to ideas of or concepts.

It is the process of achieving understanding from the message

REDUNDANCY: - redundancy in essence of is any form of repetition made to enhance understanding or reduce the effect of noise. For example, we can repest important work or figure a telex message, accompany a telephone call with a confirmation letter and so on for the sake of aiding under standing.

ENTROPY:- is the measure of discovering in a system. A situation where the content of a message is not properly interpreted, if we receive a message that make us completely certain about a situation, entropy is said to be at zero

PERCEPTION:- perception is the understanding gained from the communication of message in the spoken  or written form or from observing a situation.

COMMUNICATION BREAKDOWN: - breakdown occurs when a message can’t get through the receiver; this can be caused by number of factors and manifest itself in various ways.
