Department Of Marketing

Chapters: 1-5
PRICE: ₦ 5,000.00





The aims of producer or marketer is to maximize profit, attain reasonable growth have more market share and to be compete favourable with competition in the market 

The above mentioned object can be achieved when there is acceptability as a product or service they render or offer by the producer. Therefore, when production is about two take off the target market must be put into consideration 

despite the modern life that we are used to today, consumer still element of culture such as more, convention and custom have significant influence on the consumers behaviours towards or against a particular product in order to ensure the smooth running of production, culture is worth of study for the market in order to developed appropriate product that will mach the cultural background of the target market.

Every producer must adopt the concept of marketing which holds that key to achieving goals consist needs and more effectively and efficiently than the competitors.

A consumer culture determined the overall properties he pr she attached to different product or service. It also determined the success or failure of specific product and service. A product that provides a consistent with those desires by member of a culture and any point in time has a better chance of attaining acceptance in the market place.

However people of Nigeria still prefers foreign textile to Nigeria made can one say that the culture of Nigeria takes to consideration in foreign textile industry or Nigeria textile industry failed in identification of Nigeria culture. 

The pilot study revealed that people prefer to use other cloths rather than Aso-oke for marriage chieftaincies and other important events.

The belief is matter in this study and culture and belief are group together.

It is a belief of people that foreign goods better than home made goods? Or the impact of promotion that change the real belief of the people in Nigeria. 

For one many want to know that.


The following statement of problem shall be looked into since it is realize that culture has a significance influence upon consumer buying behavour, the concern is what could be affected of the culture upon the sale of a product 

Also, to what extent can culture affect the sale of any product?

What are the marketing strategies to be put in place to match the culture of a particular target market and what are the expectations of marketing executive toward culture of a particular market? The fact that culture play crucial role in influence the consumer buying behaviour cannot be ignore, consumer chose goods that is in line with  their culture.

Therefore, the producer should analysis the culture of their market environment to know what to be produced to suit their culture setting.

This research work will enable producer of Aso-oke or Aso-ofi” to knowhow to manipulate his or her strategy to segment it market based on their cultural setting the question that come to mind are.

How does culture influence buying behavior? 

Is there any influence group that dictates what to buy?

Does the product relate to the segment of the market?

Does the producer know the sub-culture that exists with in the culture?

Does the producer knows or discovered the social class in which its target belongs to?


The aims and objective of the study are: 

-to examine the influence of culture or people (philological condition) on buying behavior.

- To examine the extant to which culture affects the sales system on individual in a given society.

- to examine all other factor that determines individual or consumers buying behavior.

- Culture may not affect many consumers in marketing buying decision because of today modern development.

- Consumer irrespective of their culture would bargain the price of their product the same way.

- Consumer may less attention to price bargaining because of the way they are conversant with the price.

Therefore, there is no need to understand the way in which culture influence people in the buying pattern in the area of pricing.

Basically, the study will examine the three basic cultures in Nigeria.


The study would be of great use and importance to many people the importance would include the following

This research work will be useful to heritage centre where series of traditional cloths i.e “Aso-oke or aso-ofi” made as case study of the research.

The research will also be a useful material to entire industries that are engage in production of traditional cloths i.e. “Aso-oke or Aso-ofi” 

The research work will not be only useful to the industry but also to many marketers who might be interesting in carrying out the research in the similar area.

The research work will not be only useful to the industries.

The research will assist entire society in identify the impact of culture on consumer buying behavior.

It is also significant to the researcher because it is required as partial fulfillment for the word of the higher national diploma in marketing.

It also exposes the research and widening my knowledge about the influence of culture towards a particular product.

1. Significance to government: a government governs the state for the people as representative of the people as an indirect way buy the people for the welfare of the society. A government becomes autonomous once elected to power

2. significance to industry: agricultural and food production is an important economic contributor to the British Columbia economic there are very many people in British Columbia involved in producing food and –food for people who live have and in other parts of the world.

3. there are a lot of people besides  farmer who works in British Columbia who are involved in the food industry truckers, requirement dealers machinery manufacture scientist, carton /package supplies restaurant workers, food store worker and money other these people are all around you.

4. Significance to research: the development of researcher it encourages the researcher to know more about some other thing he/she has knowledge or experience about it add more skills to the researcher.

5. significance to market: owing a successful business is a difficult dream to realize for most business

Entrepreneurs. One need to acquire talent and master numerous disciplines in order to makes a profitability and reputable business.

There are quit a few people who have a natural fair for 

Commercial, but most of us seek a way to simply lean how to become proficient in business. The first thing to considered is the money sub-streams in business such as marketing, sales, people management, planning, financial management, customer and diet relationship management.


Although consumer’s wants and desire are many and they tend to accept the product that will satisfy their needs, cultural influence play major role on buying behavior of consumers on Nigeria made goods. 

Scope simply means the area of coverage of a particular field at study.


This research cover mainly the influence of culture on consumer buying habit, the impact and effect of culture on consumer behavior in their buying decision 


The study was limited to consumer of Aso-Oke” product in Ilorin metropolis being the area of focus.


The industrial scope based on Aso-Oke industry the local textile industry that is producing Aso-oke or Aso-ofi.


The time scope of the study covers three years back i.e. 2007-2009. All data collected are use in this study were limited to years between 2009-2010-2011.


The non-challant attitude of some of the people target from whom dependable data could be generated is a major problem that constraints this project.

This project involved huge amount of money to go round different people of the diverse culture for data collection and unavailable of require materials of this project work are serious factor that limited the scope of this research.

However, another serious problems encountered was that of language barrier. Nigeria as a country is a multi-language, country in which people of different culture speak different language and this discourages effective communication with the same of the people.

Another problem encountered in the constraints, there is no enough time to visit area of diverse cultural background where relevant data can be gathered.
