This research examined the Effect of Employee Welfare Management on Organizational Performance with special reference to Nestle Nigeria Plc. The research adopted survey research design. Data were gathered through primary source with the aid of a well-structured questionnaire. Simple random sampling technique was adopted in the selection of sample, this was used to eliminate biasness in the selection process of the respondents.

Data garnered were presented on table using percentage and the formulated hypotheses were analysed with the used of Chi-square statistical method. The result of the analysis shows that employee welfare affects organizational results. Also, welfare benefits are the determinants of company’s success.

Based on the conclusion of the analysis recommendations were proffered to the staff and management of Nestle Nigeria Plc.


Title page

Cover page




Table of content 




1.1 Background of the Study

1.2 Statement of the problem

1.3 Research questions

1.4 Objectives of the study

1.5 Research Hypothesis

1.6 Significance of the study

1.7 Scope of the study

1.8 Limitation of the study

1.9 Organisation of the study

1.10 Operational Definitions of terms



2.1 Literature Review 

2.2 Measurement of Human Motivation

2.3 Theories of Motivation

2.4 Importance of Motivation

2.5 The Relationship between staff welfare scheme and job motivation

2.6 Local Studies on Motivation

2.7 Review of Empirical Studies

2.8 Summary of Related Literature 



Research Methodology 

3.1 Introduction 

3.2 Area of the study

3.3 Sources of Data

3.4 Research Design

3.5 Population of the study

3.6 Sample and Sampling Techniques

3.7 Description of the Instrument

3.8 Validation and Reliability of the Instrument

3.9 Method of Data Collection and Questionnaire distribution

3.10 Method of Data Analysis 



4.1 Introduction 

4.2 Data Presentation and Analysis of Returned Questionnaire

4.3 Testing of Research Hypothesis

4.4 Interpretation of Research Hypothesis Analysis


Summary, conclusion and Recommendations

5.1 Summary of the Study

5.2 Discussion of findings and its Implications

5.3 Conclusion

5.4 Recommendation






This research seeks to examine and determine the relationship between employees’ welfare management and measurement of company performance. It will also evaluate the impact of employee welfare on what an organization achieves.

Employee welfare has become an issue for stakeholders at work place. Employee demand better and safety working conditions to help them satisfy their individual needs while employee desire higher efficiency at a reduced cost. This differing view drives the desire for this research.   This project would conclude by making or suggesting possible ways of improving company performance through efficient welfare services.

The central thesis of this research is how the organization evaluate and measure the value added to the business result through efficient employee welfare management. Today’s global business climate is marked by extreme geopolitical and economic uncertainties. The need to remain competitive and to be the leader in the industry, have induced businesses to ensuring that their employees are able to respond effectively to feedbacks at marked place. These businesses are under extreme pressure to increase revenue and grow, while decreasing costs, optimizing resources utilization and tightening corporate governance. Organizations know they must adapt their business and it system to survive, innovate and grow. And, behind it all, executives remain firmly convinced that people are their most important asset.

From the foregoing, it follows therefore that organizations needs to develop an approach of linking employee welfare to organizations performance with the following objective in mind:

1. Identify and measure the factors that affect employee performance in the organization.

2. Develop a repeatable measurement scheme that is, one that can be carried out over successive time periods in a single organization to track its performance over time.

3. Establish a datable enabling company to benchmark in key human capital development areas against their competition, and to predict return on investment from specific human capital investment and interventions.

The core of this work would be to verify in simple terms that the economic benefits an organization realize from employee welfare management is in direct proportion to the quality of the welfare provided for its employees.


Nestle Nigeria Plc is associated with the Nestle Company worldwide; the simple trading operations in Nigeria started in 1961 and have today grown into a leading food manufacturing and marketing company. It is publicly quoted company listed since 1978 in the Nigeria Stock Exchange, 43% of its equity is owned by Nigeria shareholders, while Nestle S. A. of Switzerland owns 57%. The Company’s Head Office and Registered Office is located at Ilupeju, Lagos State.

There is Board of Directors responsible for formulating policies for the attainment of the objectives and aims of the company. The department that makes up the factory is human resources department headed by a human resource manager. Accountant department headed by a professional cost accountant in charge of costing section, production department headed by production manager who is also the production engineer. Transport and warehouse department, finance department, security and health centre come under Administration or personnel department.

The Nestle Nigeria Plc is in the Food and Beverage industry and its objective is to satisfy the requirement of consumers with high quality food products, mainly by processing agricultural raw materials into products, adapted to the taste and food habits of the consumer.

The manufacturing facilities are located at Agbara Industrial Estate, in Ogun State. The main production areas have been designed in line with modern manufacturing methods, which ensure efficient production of the various products they manufacture – infant Dietetic products, Beverages and culinary products. The company with the assistance of its technical advisers, Nestle Ltd of Switzerland has built and commissioned at its Agbara site, a fully integrated plant producing concentrated saghom malt Extract. The company also produces hydrolyzed protein mix using local raw materials.

Through all the activities enumerated above, Nestle Nigeria Plc aims to optimize its long-term viability with the physical and skilled human available to it high quality products, high standard of integrity, efficient management and access to the technical know-how of its success, continue to contribute to the progress, prosperity and Economic development in Nigeria.


Often, workers or employee are attracted into certain organization not only because of the pay package that are in the advert but also because of the benefits attracted to them. These benefits usually include housing, transport and medical allowance together with pension or retirement benefits to mention but a few.

This attraction may constitute a consideration objective for which such individuals make up their minds in such organization. The absence or reduction in these primary attractions of such individuals into the organization will certainly lower the morale as well as the efficiency of such individual’s performance, which will in turn reflect on the organization productivity.

Many examples abound where organization in recent times have been faced with incessant agitation from the worker-union and staffs Association because of the inadequate employee welfare services. Poor management of the existing ones or total withdrawal of those benefits.

The dissatisfaction expressed by the employee either on the provision or management of these benefits needs proper investigation and examination in order to find lasting solution to these numerous problems. These assertions will be examined with respect to Nestle Nigeria Plc.


The aim of this research project is as follows:

v    To explain the concept of employee welfare management and organizational performance.

v    To evaluate the impact of employee on the performance of an organization

v    To explain the various employee welfare processes open to management

v    This research aims to also provide suggestions for further studies

v    It would also identify the ways of getting the best performance out of employees.


This study would help management of the organization appreciate the employee thereby ensuring a better employee welfare plan, and giving participation to employees.

It would also help to suggest ways of improving employees competency and evaluating the value added to organizational results by providing employee welfare services.


It is expected that the following questions would be answered in the course of this work.

⦁ What constitutes employee welfare processes?

⦁ How can organization measure its success helping in view the employees constrictions?

⦁ What are the various performance indicators?

⦁ What does employees feel about their wages package and work environment?

⦁ What are job satisfiers?

⦁ How does an organization adapt to change in manufacturing schedule when the marketing plans changes and keeping workforce happy at the same time?

⦁ Do management accept idea of employees?


The following hypothesis will be tested:

Hypothesis I:

Ho:   employee welfare does not affect organization results.

Hi:    employee welfare affects organizational results.

Hypothesis II     

Ho:   Welfare benefits are not the determinants of the company’s success.

Hi:    Welfare benefits are the determinants of company’s success. 


This study will evaluate the effect of providing welfare services to the employees on the performance of the organization they work for.  

To obtain relevant data form the respondents. A questionnaire will be designed to help elicit information on some welfare services provided by Nestle Nigeria Plc to its workers.     

These services include medical services, transportation allowances, break time, housing etc, in additional, questions on performance indicators that are affected by the welfare services will also be included in the questionnaire.

This will include productivity, sales innovation and working capital.

The administration of the questionnaire is expected to last about three weeks after which the returned questionnaire shall be analyzed. Data collected from the questionnaire will represent the observed. Using the chi-square statistical tool, expected responses would be arrived at, thereafter; the chi-square X2 will be calculated.      

To test the result is X2, a degree of freedom and at a significant level, the X2 from statistical table would be obtained and the X2 calculated from facts obtained in the questionnaire will be compared to X2 in statistical table. This comparison would help to arrive at a conclusion, upon which recommendations shall be made. 


This project will confine itself to Nestle Nigeria Plc. This is because Nestle Nigeria is a multinational company employing over 300 staffs placed in different sections. It is thus a major player in the manufacturing industries making it suitable for this research.    


This piece of constrained with adequate financing and time of completion, which has informed the choice of a case study minimum of 100 research respondent and only five-year annual reports and accounts consideration.

Furthermore, more library books did not extensively deal on employee welfare management in relation to company performance hence the resolve to use more of current literatures and articles from the World Wide Web. However, inspite of the aforementioned difficulties, this research piece would richly benefit from consultation from the real world business executive and numerous growing debates on how to improve employee welfare programmes which is an issue for every organization. 


This study is presented in five chapters. Chapter one contains the introduction (background to the study), statement of the problem, objectives of the study, significance of the study, scope of the study, research hypotheses, research questions, limitation of the study, organisation of study and operational definitions of terms.

Chapter two deals with the literature review of some selected theories of motivation.

Chapter three addresses the research methodology that is, research design, sample design and method of data collection and date analysis techniques.

Chapter four will be on data presentation analysis and interpretation of data.

Finally, chapter five documents the summary of findings, recommendation and concluding remarks.


For the purpose of this, some words are used simply defined as follows:

1. Management: Is the process of planning organising, leading and controlling the efforts of organisation members and using all other organisational resources to achieve stated organisational objectives.

2. Organisation: Is seen as activity deliberately created to accomplish certain specified objectives.

3. Incentives: Benefit in various forms designed to motivate employee to perform effectively and efficiently efficient input of labour and capital.

4. William G et al (2002) define performance as an evaluation in which the performance level of employees is measured against established standards to make decisions about promotions, compensation, additional training or firing. Also it relates to the ability to set goals.

5. Motivation: Koontz and Neihvich (1983) defined motivation as the entire class of drive desire, and needs, wishes and similar force, which channel behaviour toward goals.

Also motivation is that drive or the urge that prompts employees to behave in a desired way in the organisation.

6. Employee: these are people employed to help the organisation accomplish its objectives for an economic reward with salary or wages and other benefits.

7. Job Satisfaction: The feelings an employee has about his job whether positive or negative. Agbator J. O (1988) it can be generally referred to as the contentment drive especially when doing a job he loves and it influence by many factors.

8. Needs: These refers to those things a person or worker wished to have, that made him either feel satisfied or have a good sense of belonging to an organisation as a worker.



The subject of this study is the perception of the relevance of Effect of Employee Welfare Management on Organizational Performance with special reference to Nestle Nigeria Plc, Edo State.

It is concerned with individual and group of work as well as the relationship between  the workers and their supervisor in the achievement of the organisational goals. The research intends to reflect the various Effect of Employee Welfare Management on Organizational Performance. Effective management of people at work is the factor controlling productivity and growth of the organisation which of course is quite essential for the organisation in the successful pursuit of its greater and objectives. 

To achieve the above stated objectives of the topic in question. Questionnaire will be distributed which will be administered by different categories of workers in Nestle Nigeria Plc. interview will also be conducted among staff of Nestle Nigeria Plc Edo state to ascertain the staff welfare scheme. Three hypothesis testing will be carried out, and chi-square method will be used to determine the cordial relationship between management and employee in an organisation if they are muctual or not, the study will be arranged and structured to include five chapters on its content.

Chapter one will start with introduction and background of the study, statement of the problem, research questions, objective of the study, research hypotheses, significance of the study, scope of the study, limitation of the study, organisation of the study and the operational definitions of terms.

Chapter two will center on literature review from different authors on the topic in question, journal and annual publication shall be used in course of this study.

Chapter three is on the research methodology design, sample design, data collection, data analysis techniques and questionnaires distribution method of collection.

Chapter four is on data presentation, data analysis and interpretation.

Chapter five is the final stage, which is centered on the summary of findings, discussion of findings and its implications, conclusion and recommendation. 


Akhator P.A. (2001): Management Theory and Practice. Royal Priesthood Publishers, Ekpoma, Edo State.

Brown J.C. (1957): The Social Psychology of Industry Macmillian, New York, 1984 p. 218.

Mullins L.J. (1986): Management and Organizational Behaviour, New Delhi.

Nwachukwu C.C. (1980: Management Theory and Practice, Onitsha African FCP Publishers LTD.



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