Department Of Education

Chapters: 1-5
PRICE: ₦ 5,000.00




The objective of this project is to look at how total marriage is conducted among the Muslims in Plateau Statewith the view of identifying the various problems that are associated with it and their prospects.

The institution of marriage is the foundation of all civilized nations and communities of the world. That is why all religions and legal systems have tried as much as possible to regulate the conduct of marriage as well as its dissolution among its members.

In Islam marriage is seen as a sacred contract which a Muslim enters into, unless if there are special reasons. Why he should not. Both Glorious Qur’an and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) provided basis for Muslims conduct of marriage. Thus, in Qur’an, it is said:

And marry those amongst you who are single and those who among male slave and your female slaves if they are needy, Allah will make them free from what out of this grace. 1

Similarly the Prophet (SAW) has expressly declared that:Marriage is my Sunnah and whoever abstain from my Sunnah is not of me”. It is in compliance with the above injuctions that the Muslims all over struggle to get married in order to gain the pleasure of Allah (SWT). 2


As mentioned above, this project is set to examine how a marriage is conducted among the Muslims in Plateau Statewith problems and prospects. Since the arrival of Islam in the State with 19thCentury Jihad of ShaykhUsmanbnFodiyo.

However, marriage was being conducted in line with Islam in the state, but there is need for the examination of the extent of its conformity with the Islamic Ideas. This is the view to proffering suggestion for improvement where possible.


Since the research aims at bringing out how a valid marriage have been conduct in Islamic law among the Muslims in Plateau State. We have to look at the problems and prospect to be laced in the area of marriage among the people in that state. How do they practice their marriage and to what extend that the people of Plateau State compel their children to marriage and how do they practice it in their culture.


The aim and objective of this research are: to bring in detail the concept and validity of marriage in Islam, to find out some of the reasons why some parents among the citizens of Plateau State give out their children to marriage without their choice, to identify to social impact and implication of forced marriage, to provide reading materials on marriage to provide research and know how marriage is carried out today, to provide rightful way stipulated by Islamic law, to see how marriage was related to status of man and discuss the reasons why Muslims neglect early marriage in their life today.


The concepts and practice of marriage is very wide and this entails studying a large cross section in Muslim marriage; The research however cover only the Muslims of the Plateau State who are practicing Islamic activities, and would be limited to all Muslims that are establishing

marriage and those who believe with the legality of it, and limitation is the conduct of this project is particularly the time limit.


For the success of a project, one needs to adopt certain methods. Therefore, in this research two methods are adopted.

i. Library research on relevant materials which are to be consulted whether published or unpublished.

ii. Oral sources: interviews are to be conducted in order to have information from the people of Plateau State. The study from the primary sources was purely base on teaching of the Glorious Qur’an, Sunnah and figh literature, in addition to the existing literature where by books and papers relevant to the study where used.

Verbal interview technique was conducted to collect data on historical background of the marriage, how marriage was being practiced and kinds of marriage.


This work contains four chapters; chapter one deals with general introduction, background of the study, statement of the research problem aim and objectives, scope and limitation, methodology structure of chapters and literature review. The second chapter deals with the historical background to the study area, the conduct of valid marriage according to Islamic law, definition of marriage the position of marriage in Islam, preliminaries of a Muslim marriage, proposal of marriage, essential elements of marriage contract, rights and obligation of

the spouses husband and wife and arising up of children. Chapter three deals with marriage as conduct among the Muslim Plateau State, kinds of marriage, customary marriage, preliminary steps to be taken before the contract and marriage ceremonies. And finally the last chapter contains problems of marriage in Plateau Stateand their prospects, summary and conclusion with selected bibliography.


It is worthy to mention there that this work is to be based on some series of interviews and oral information. This is more for the suitability of the work, therefore many books are consulted which are relevant to my work both published and unpublished. These include textbooks, encyclopedia, lecture presentation etc.

However these are some of the books consulted in this research project.

Enagi, talked about the rules governing the proper marriage, things that are compulsory upon marriage the right of husband over his wife and the right of woman over her husband over his wife and the right of woman over her husband. The writer talked much about the rules governing the proper marriage and the compulsory right upon them (husband and wife). Is an important work which is relevance to my research work. The writer analyzed the compulsory right upon spouses in line of the Islamic way of life.

Ahmad Lemu, Discussed the position of women before and after the advent of Islam. The writer talked much about the position of women before and after the advent of Islam. Is an important work which is relevance to my research work. The writer discussed the position of women before and after the advent of Islam which the right that had been discuss in the book is the same right open all the muslim couples of today and tomorrow.

Abdul-rahman I. Doi, Shari’ah the Islamic law,The writer talked much about the Shari’ah the Islamic law and also analyzed the importance of marriage in Islam. Is an important work which is relevance to my research work as a result of my work is inline with the conduct of valid marriage among the muslims in Plateau State.

Abdullahi, the family structure in Islam, discussed marriage in Islam control of sexual behavior the purpose of marriage contract, the condition of marriage Dowry and marriage gift. The writer talked much about the family structure in Islam. And Islam control sexual behavior, the purpose of marriage contact, the condition of marriage dowry and marriage gift. Is an important work which is relevance to my research work as a result of my topic title which says the conduct of valid marriage among the muslims in Plateau State Problems and Prospects.

M. Muhammad Ali, religion of Islam also deals with all aspect of marriage and it also contains the saying of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) with regard to marriage contract. The writer talked much about the religion of Islam also deals with all aspect of marriage as it contained with the saying of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) with regard to marriage to marriage contract. Is an important work which is relevance to my research work. The writer analyzed some of the Islam aspect of marriage and also contains the saying of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).


Abdulqasim, The glorious Qur’an, Arabic text with corresponding English meaning (Al – Muntada Al-islam) publishing house (1997) chapter 24: verse 32

Shaykh al-Din Muhammad (Tanku Al-Usul Hadith,Commentary on Lubab Al-Hadith (1976) p.20.
