Department Of Computer Science Section C : No Coding/Designs (Theories)

Chapters: 1-5
PRICE: ₦ 5,000.00




1.1       Background to the Study

The introduction and use of computer cannot be over emphasized. Often time, its application has resulted in the fast transformation of the way records are stored and utilised in various organizations and the society in general. The growth currently experiencing in the use of personal computer and computer networks continues to impact businesses both large and small. The abundance and accessibility of information available online means that virtually anyone can start and operate a small business with just a computer and internet connection. Computers also have an impact on how small enterprises conduct business. This has contributed to the growth and systemic organisation of co-operate records. The importance of computer in record keeping can be viewed as one of the most useful modern means of collecting, updating, controlling, recording, and storing of information for future usage by any resourceful organization. New technology trends have made the challenge of modernization more complex as well. The proliferation of information, with an array of new formats for unstructured data such like video, audio and social media conversations and the wide dispersal of data on mobile devices and also in the cloud have pushed records management out of the physical realm.

As the consumerisation of Information Technology services has seeped into virtually every corner of daily life, consumers' expectations have raised the stakes. As a result, companies are waking up to the reality that digitizing their records is not just a nice-to-have information governance initiative. Companies now recognize the need to get a better handle on their information to reduce storage costs, improve information management and accessibility and ensure the efficient retention and destruction of information. But many organizations have struggled with digital records management, in part because of the limitations of the tools. Enterprise content management software (ECM), the principal software for managing records, was costly and hard to use. Once cloud-based file-sharing companies like Box and Dropbox swept in with simpler user interfaces, they challenged the software's hold on the market. These new tools made it easy to share content without jumping through the hoops of a virtual private network. At the same time, cloud-based file-sharing services have posed privacy concerns, and most businesses still default to ECM software for records management, which can be subject to compliance and other security issues.

In Nigeria, it obvious that many organizations now make use of computer for record keeping and it is in this light we need to look at how effective and helpful the use of computer has been to them since the adoption using Liberty Link World Wide (a professional international freight agency which has always been providing clients with diversified professional freight service since year 1999) as a case study. This therefore brought about the topic; the impacts of a computer on record keeping in an organisation.

1.2       Statement of the Problem

Keeping of records or information is the life wire of every organization regardless of type organisation. Therefore there is need for a cheaper, faster and reliable method of keeping records than the manual way or system which involves the use of large volume papers, files and cabinet. The offices are heavily filled and store rooms sometimes may not contain any more files. There is no alternative method of record keeping for computers whose operation is based upon impulses moving at a speed of light and reduces expenses in keeping detailed record of personnel. It is also practicable to record and store all information generated by any operation or discussion with a company in one set of file which can be retrieved at any time. When future information is stored, they are easily manipulated and retrieved in a much easier way and large amount of information are gathered in one place.

The fact that as much as possible studies have not been carried out on the impacts of a computer on record keeping in an organisation made the researcher to develop more interest on the topic and outline how using computer in organizations in Nigeria particularly at Liberty Link World Wide has greatly been of help.

1.3       Research Questions

The following are some of the questions which this study intends to answer:

i)                   what is the prevalence of the use of computer for record keeping at Liberty Link World Wide?

ii)                 what changes has the use of computer for record keeping brought at Liberty Link World Wide?

iii)               what are the factors that influence the use of computer for record keeping brought at Liberty Link World Wide?

1.4       Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this study is to investigate the impacts of computer on record keeping in an organisation using Liberty Link World Wide as a case study. The specific objectives are however:

i)                   to investigate the prevalence of the use of computer for record keeping at Liberty Link World Wide

ii)                 to inquire the changes that the use of computer for record keeping brought at Liberty Link World Wide

iii)               to study the factors that influence the use of computer for record keeping brought at Liberty Link World Wide

1.5       Significance of the Study

The satisfactory operation and control of any organisation lies to a great extent on the information or data stored. Data processing for business is not an end in itself but is used by the management to assist in achieving its objectives of providing goods and services, makig profit fairly with employees, customers and satisfying legal requirements regarding the keeping of records. This could be enhanced by the introduction of computer into an organisation. This research work studied the usefulness of computer for record keeping in any organisation.  (project topics   final year project topics and research materials )

1.6       Scope of the Study

            This study was confined to the impacts of computer on record keeping in an organisation with a keen focus on Liberty Link World Wide with particular reference to the designating system. Secretary, Manager and the Accountant of the company were interviewed and this was because they are the ones that make most use of computer for record keeping in the organisation.

1.7       Limitation of the study

The fact that this research work impacts of computer on record keeping in an organisation has not been fully researched on by researchers made it a bit stressful for the researcher and was also faced with the problem of finance as the researcher did not have enough funds to get the required stationery for the work.

1.9       Definitions of Terms

The following terms were used in the course of this study:

Computer: an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.

Organisation: an organized body of people with a particular purpose, especially a business, society, association, etc.

Record Keeping:  the maintenance of a history of one's activities, as financial dealings, by entering data in ledgers or journals, putting documents in files, etc. 


Ahmad Umar Dewa, (2011). Impact of Computer on Record Keeping. Retrieved from

Chudi-Oji Chukwuka, (2013). Computer – Effect of its introduction into organisation in

20th of July, 2017.

New Technologies Take on Records Management Challenges. Retrieved from
