Department Of Civil Engineering

Chapters: 1-5
PRICE: ₦ 5,000.00




A Computer is a device that can be instructed to carry out an arbitrary set of arithmetic or logical operations automatically, their ability to follow a sequence operations, called a program. Make computer very flexible and popular. Such computer are used as control systems for a very wide variety of industrial and consumer devices. This include simple special purpose devices like microwave ovens and remote controls, but more importantly in general purpose devices like personal computers and mobile devices. The internet is run on computers and connects millions of these other computer.

Since ancient times, simple manual device like the abacus aided people in doing calculation. Early in the industrial Revolution, some mechanical devices were built to automate long tedious tasks, such as patterns for looms. More sophisticated electrical machines did specialized analog calculation in the early 20th  century. The first digital electronic calculating machines were developed during the world war II. The speed, power and versatility of computers increased continuously and dramatically since then, to the point of possible artificial intelligence in the near future.

A computer laboratory is a space which provides computer services to a defined community. Computer labs are typically provided by libraries to the public, by academic institutions to students who attend the institution, or by other institutions to the public or to people affiliated with that institution, uses typically must follow a certain user policy to retain access to the computer. This generally consists of the user not engaging in illegal activities or attempting to circumvent any security or content-control software while using the computers. In public settings, compute lab users are often subject to time limits, in order to allow more people a chance to use the lab, whereas in other institutions, computer access typically requires valid personal login credentials, which may also allow the institution to track the users activities.

Computers in computer labs are typically equipped with internet access, while scanners and printers may augment the lab setup. Computers in computer labs are typically arranged either in rows, so that every workstation has a similar view of one end of the room to facilitate Lecturing or presentations, or in clusters, to facilitate small group work. In some cases generally in academic institution, students laptops carts take the place of dedicated computer labs, although computer labs still have a place in applications requiring special software or hardware not practically implantable in personal computers.


The aim of the project is to rehabilitate and furnish computer laboratory. The objectives include the following;

⦁ To create effective, modern learning facilities providing infrastructure, renowned resources person, access for student and faculty members to electronic and library resources and current teaching and learning technologies.

⦁ To create a cadre of leaders capable of advancing education, research and practice in the field of disability and rehabilitation and participating countries of the region.


⦁ To strengthen the technological background of the nation and been expose to practical work.

⦁ To hasten the level of understanding of the students since they were been exposed to practical aspect of their course of study.

⦁ To enlighten the students on practical aspect of their course of study.

⦁ To strengthen the technological background of the nation since students are been exposed to practical work.


The following are the scope of computer laboratory policy that is applied to all users of computers laboratories:

⦁ To Identify and protect sensitive or propriety information and computer application from unauthorized alteration or disclosure or physical damage, whether deliberate or accidental.

⦁ To protect the laboratory from serious hardware failure or destruction through appropriate backup procedures and contingency plan to assure continuity of laboratory operations.

⦁ To prevent the use of university-owned computing and networking resources for unauthorized purpose.

⦁ To provide training to the user, operators and laboratory assistants regarding their responsibilities in protecting these laboratory assets.




Computer laboratory used to be a once-weekly privilege where students were able to share a screen for thirty minute to play the Oregon trail, or to test their typing speed. However, the role of the computer labs has changes over the years, with definition and design that vary by school district. Computer in classrooms now facilitate technology-driven curriculum in areas such as industrial design, animation and programming with student employing robust software packages, this technology-rich computer labs required dedication workstation design to comfortably accommodate students and their CPUs, monitors, scanners, and printers.

Technology has impacted every facet of daily life and educators are responsible for teaching next generation how harness the power of computer across a myriad of fields, such as graphic design, accounting, computer animation, engineering, architecture, math and programming. Students are no longer simply learning basic word processing. They are now using professional grade and industrial-standard software programs, design apps, and preparing for dynamic and computer-rich post-graduation experience. As a result, computer labs themselves have evolved to meet both the specific demands of technological hardware and classroom layout required by the teachers. Different academic disciplines require a different lab layouts-some are more traditional with work station in lectures rows, others need partition to ensure testing privacy, others have students working in small groups, while still others need flexible work areas for project planning.

Computer labs are generally multipurpose; some labs may contain computer with hardware or software optimized for certain task or processes, depending on the needs of the institution operating the lab. These specialized purposes include but may not be limited to videos editing, stock trading 3-D design, and programming. In some cases, these specialized purposes are the main purpose for the existence of traditional desktop-style computer labs, due to a rising trend in the ownership of personal of personal computer. n some settings, traditional desktop computer labs are impractical due to the requirement of a dedicated space. Because of this, some labs laptop carts instead of desktop setups, in order to both save space and give the lab some degree of mobility. In the context of academic institutions, some traditional desktop computer Labs are being phased out in favor of some other solution judged to be more efficient given that most students own personal laptops.
