This study focuses on “Effective Communication as all aid to Survival of a Business Organization” a case study of Doyin Group of Company’s Nigeria Limited Ilorin. Objective and goals of any organization can be achieved through effective communication such objective include profitability, growth, survival e.t.c, the objective will also help in determining how effective communication enhance business subordinate and management relationship and our effects on the organization. Just as it is agreed that communication is the back bone (life-wire) of management in a nutshell the inefficient communication which depicts for it in the co-oporate chain can also be corrected through effective communication. These will deal with all activities involved in the collection of all necessary data and information required for the findings that makes the researchers work valid. In eliciting the necessary information and explain from the sampled respondents, therefore two appropriate research instrument were used, they are questionnaire and interview. It will also antis on sample size. The targeted population are three company’s, Doyin investment group of company’s, Dayaad venture limited and wonder foods Nigeria limited and the information obtain be analyses with the use of simple percentage and the reliability and validity of the study will be tested since reliability but not sufficient condition for validity. The finding reached after and analyzing the data collected in table 6, 7 and 8 it was discovered that most organization uses both formal and informal of the management task table 10, 11, 12, and 13 further shows the effective communication is the backbone of management because it enhances decision making and allow effective condition and control in the organization. However table 19 and 20 shows that dispute between the management and subordinate was mostly cause by mis-internation of management plans and policies but at the same time shows in table 13 that effective communication create in conducise climate for employee to organizational goals and objectives, if its is well practiced. From the finding generated from the study, it was concluded that effective communication has helped in executing managerial task, since the method of communication adopted was very important. The work of a manger was made very easy through delegation. It could be concluded that the method of communication used really help both positively and negatively in enchanceing relationship. Conclusive formal communication can be very effective in aiding management if well practiced.


Title page





Table of Contents


1.1 General Information

1.2 Statement of the Problem

1.3 Justification of the Study 

1.4 Research Questions  

1.5 Scope of the Study

1.6 Limitation of the Study

1.7 Significance of the Study

1.8 Definition of Term


2.1. Introduction

2.2 Meaning and Scope of Communication

2.3 Model of Communication

2.4 Communication Theory

2.5 What is Communication Process

2.6 Classification of Communication 

2.7 Channels of Organizational Communication

2.8 Barriers to Effective Communication

2.9 The Purpose and Relevance of Communication

2.10 Relationship of Communication element and functions of management

2.11 Management Process

2.12 Principle of Management 

2.13 The Function of Manager


3.1 Introduction

3.2 Research Design

3.3 Research Instrument

3.4 Research Sample

3.5 Data Analysis Procedure

3.6 Reliability and Validity of the Study

3.7 Historical Background of the case Study


4.1 Introduction 

4.2 Analysis, Interpretation and Presentation of Data 

4.3 Discussion of Findings


5.1 Summary of Finding

5.2 Conclusion

5.3 Recommendation 






Before going into general information of this chapter, I will like to get us acquainted with how the word communication originate. 

The term “communication” which means “common”. It is believed that if one can effect communication or idea, one has established common meeting ground for understanding.

All human being get involved in communication and this is done through communication. It is also through communication that interaction is made possible among group of people or individual in the society. Though interaction, information and ideas are transferred from one person to another, such information and ideas are often uses as bases and as a means of innovation also to develop the society.

Communication plays a vital role in the society for any business organization to achieve their aims and objective communication is highly important since business cannot operate in a vacuum. Interaction with people in and outside the business is very important, communication has enhanced most nations/countries of the word development be it technologically economically, politically and religion

However, communication takes this form, giving instructions, receiving information exchanging ideas laying down rules and regulations, job description and the organizational marvels.

Without effective communication, the world would have been static without any development. Marinating any form of links between the past and future would have prove quite impossible because of the absence of effectiveness communication. 


Inefficient communication in an organization simply deficts fault in the corporate chain. When an organization manager supports (friendly) each other and have good working report.

Communication tend to be very good, the functions of effective communication here can be functional management. In a nutshell communication is the backbone (lifewire) of management. Any organization established is to achieve certain goals and objectives and before these goals and objective can be curtained there is need for effective communication within the organization and its environment.


The aim and purpose of this study is to analysis and evaluate how effective communication and management help organization to achieve their set goals.

Management can be refres to as administration of business. A management cannot be effective in discharge of his duties without effective communication with his subordinate. Subordinate can not be effective in the discharge of his own duty also if message passed to them by their superior is not effectively communicated these will not allow them to know their responsibility and how to carry them out effectively 


There are some question to ponder upon.

i. is there any relationship between effective communication and management.

ii. Will communication be complete without feedback

iii. What effect will ineffective communication have on management.

iv. Does barriers in communication really have anything to do with management 

v. Does understanding have anything to dowith communication 

vi. Can we effective communication is the backbone of management.


This study is majorly design to create awareness of the role of effective communication as an aid of management survival. And this study also covers the impact of communication in the business organization. The scope intends to know how communication can be used to enhance effective performance in the business organization. It also intends to discover the type of communication package to be used in the business organization.


The limitation of this study is differently involved in using all large and small organisation in the country because of the pressure of time and considering the fact that the academic aspect of this course has to be fulfilled alongside with the project. More so thenon-availbility of resources as (find) would be the major constraint to the research as only three organization are sampled. Among the foreseeable limitations is the top management unwillingness to elict information for fear of disclose of confidential maters. It is also gathered that some respond end may not be able or want to complete the questionnaire as they may view it as irrelevant. However, effort shall be put in place to see that the effect of these limitations on then overall results are reduced to the bearest minimum.


The intention of the research is to highly the role effective communication plays in aiding management in an organization.

The researcher hopes that the following categories of people will find this work useful.

i. The organization taken as a case of study

ii. The manager

iii. The student or undergraduate of higher institution 

1. The organization taken as a case of study the result from this research work will enable the manager to get positive attitude toward their subordinate and also ensure that there is effective communication in their organization. 

This is because without effective communication, the organization may not achieve their set goals and objectives.

2. The manager: this research work will enable the manager to know that effective communication plays a significant and important role in management communication in their various field of specialization so as to be successful

3. The student or undergraduate of higher institution: This work will enable people in this categories to know their responsibility when become a manager in the future. It is hopeful that subsequent or other research who might plan to writ an related topic will find information in this research work helpful.


There are some terms that will be advisable for us to explain 

ENCODER: This refers to the sender of the message, information to secondary else, or the communicator. It is also refered to as the speaker or writer.

DECODER: This refers to the receiver of the message or the interpreter of massage.

CODE: This is the message, which the encoder (sender) passes across. It can also be refers to as the signal.

CHANNEL: this is the means used to transmit a message from the encoder (speaker to the decoder listener). The message can be sent through verbal medium (speech) or non verbal (writing)gesture or facial expression message can be sent through mechanical instrument i.e. telephone, television, radio and it can also be non mechanical instrument such as letter diagram, picture face to face communication and so on

FEED BACK: This simply refers to the response of the decoder to the encorder following the interpretation of the message pass across. Feedback serves as a measure of evaluating the clarity of the message sent. “Feedback” therefore can be positive or negative feedback response.

ORGANIZATION: An organization can be refer to as any rational or sensible coordination of the activities of the number of people for the achievement of some common explicit purpose through division of labour and function. These can also be defined as the arrangement of a technology, which is operated to convert the input of the company into the required markable products.

Management: Is the act of getting thing done through person” this implies that the supervisor or manager achieve organization goals and objectives by arranging for other to perform whatever task that may be necessary. Management is also “to forecast and plan to command and organize and to coordinate and control” breach sees it as “ a social entailing responsibility of the operation of an enterprise in fulfillment of given purpose or task such responsibilities is involving.



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