Title Page - - - - - - - - -
Approval Page - - - - - - - -
Declaration - - - - - - - -
Dedication - - - - - - - - -
Acknowledgement - - - - - - -
Abstract - - - - - - - - -
Table of Contents - - - - - - -
1.1 Background of the Study - - - - -
1.2 Statement of the Problem - - - -
1.3 Purpose of the Study - - - - - -
1.4 Research Questions - - - - - -
1.5 Research Hypothesis - - - - - -
1.6 Significance of the Study - - - - -
1.7 Definition of Terms - - - - - -
2.1 Introduction - - - - - - -
2.2 Theoretical Framework - - - - -
2.3 Conceptual Framework - - - - -
2.4 Empirical Review - - - - - -
3.1 Introduction - - - - - - -
3.2 Research Design - - - - - -
3.3 Population of Study - - - - - -
3.4 Sample size and Sampling Techniques - - -
3.5 Method of Data Collection - - - - -
3.6 Research Instrument
3.7 Validity of the Instrument - - - - -
3.8 Reliability of the Instrument - - - -
3.9 Sampling Method - - - - - -
4.1 Introduction - - - - - - -
4.2 Data Presentation and Analysis - - - -
4.3 Testing Hypothesis - - - - - -
5.1 Summary - - - - - - - -
5.2 Conclusion - - - - - - - -
5.3 Recommendations - - - - - -
References - - - - - - - -
Appendix - - - - - - - -
1.1 Background of the Study
The change driven by information and communication technology is having an important/imperative role in every aspect of life and it is an increasing critical issue in education.
Nowadays the role of information and communication technology (ICT), especially internet in the education sector plays an important role, especially in the process of empowering the technology into the technical education activities. Education sector can be the most effective sector to anticipate and eliminate the negative impact of ICT. Technology (internet) in another side can be the most effective way to increase the student’s knowledge.
Communication is the assisted transmission of signal over a long period of distance. The ICT embrases model technology such as computers, facts miles transmission, microelectronics, etc. It also include the use of talking drums, cave drawing, fire and smoke signal, mechanical and accounting system.
Castgells (2006) view information and communication technology as an indispensable part of the contemporary to meet the challenge of the knowledge age. The perverseness of ICT has brought rapid technological, social, political and economical transformation which has eventuated in network society organized around information and communication technology (ICT).
Being aware of the significant roles of ICT (internet) in our life, especially in the educational activities, education authorities should be wise enough in implementing the strategies to empower ICT in supporting the teaching and learning process in the classroom. ICT is not just the bloom of the educational activities, but also it will be the secondary option to improve the effective and meaningful educational process.
According to Darus and Tearls (2008), the field of education has not been unaffected by the penetrating influence of the information and communication technology. Undoubtedly information and communication technology has impacted on the quality of teaching, learning and research in the traditional and distance education institution, in concretes terms, the information and communication technology (ICT) can influence teaching and learning in technical education through its dynamic interactive and engaging contents, information and communication technology can be used to reinforce existing pedagogical practices as well as to change the way teachers and students interact using information and communication technology (ITC) as tools.
Information and communication technology provide opportunities for individualized instruction, unfortunately developing countries like Nigeria have little improvement in information technology (IT), for a variety of reasons. The most important of what a poorly managed economic and over independence on government sponsorship, educationalist are now emphasizing the need to look critically revolutionized learning instead they argue that attention is focused on the use of information and communication technology (ICT).
Yusuf (2004), opines that research in information and communication technology (ICT) Provides opportunity for school to communicate with one another through E-mail, mailing list, faces book, chat room, black berry, Ipad e.t.c. it also provides quicker and easier access to more extensive and current information and it can be used to do complex mathematicaland statistical calculation, furthermore, it provides researches with a study revenue for the dissemination of research reports and findings.
According to Mandinach (2005) the review of twenty eight (28) major reports on technology integration American school, Culp advanced three (3) major reasons information communication technology in education they suggested that technology is usually.
1. A tool for addressing challenges in teaching and learning.
2. A change agents
3. Promotion of collaborative learning and a general more towards greater learner autonomy, and.
4. A central force in economic competitiveness as a tool for addressing challenges in teaching.
The term technology refers to a wide range of electronic materials and method for learning. It can apply to video production and distance learning, with the use of information technology (IT), students take ownership of their learning, acting as explorers and producers, teachers function as facilitator and guide in the use of effective technology, it encourages collaborate learning and develop critical thinking skills and problem solving. Furthermore, it helps learners to explore their world beyond the class room, it also promote scientific inquiry and discovery, thereby allowing students to communicate with experts.
From the above, it is imperative to note that communication technology has a major role to play in teaching and learning of technical education which is a vocational course in education. The developmentof new learning and teaching strategy at collages of education will bring out some keys on information and communication technology issues which need to be addressed with in the institution. If information and communication technology (ICT) is to become truly embedded within the system in a particular change in the emphasis of learning technology, will we have a consequential effect in a number of areas. With all this reference, from developed areas, it will be imperative for the application of information and communication technology (ICT) on teaching and learning of technical education in tertiary institutions. This research is to identify the role of information and communication technology(ict) in teaching and learning of technical education in tertiary institution.
1.2 Statement of Problems
An increase in shift towards teaching, based onlearning consequently means an increase at flexibility in time tabling. If students are increasingly going to expect high delivery and following – up with the developed world, this could be met, if information and communication is applied judiciously in the teaching and learning of technical education. Some factors and problems have been militating against the introduction of information and communication technology (ICT) in tertiary institutions. As a result of this problem, there has been a great effect in the activities of teachers and students of technical education within the school and the society at large. They are as follows:
1. Insufficient materials
2. The involvement of non- qualified and computer illiterate teachers.
3. Lack of interest of learners and teachers in using information and communication materials for teaching and learning in tertiary institutions.
4. Misusing and poor maintenances of the information and communication technology facilities by teachers and students in tertiary institution of Delta State.
5. Inability of Delta State tertiary institutions to meet up with the world’s divergent demand.
6. Another problem identified in this study is the inability of most Delta State tertiary institution graduate to meet up with the competences required for employment, due to lack of information and communication technology materials and poor training of undergraduates. All this contributes to some of the roles or importance of information and communication technology in teaching of technical education in tertiary institution.
1.3 Purpose of Study
The major purpose of this study is to identify the roles of information and communication technology in teaching and learning of technical education intertiary institutions which needs the adoption of the entire nations, in meetingthe needs of complex society in which we live. Specifically, the study is aimedat:
1. Identify how educators can use computer packages (Auto CAD) in teaching and learning of technical education.
2. To identify how a computer can be used as a “teaching appliances” to control students interactions in teaching technical education.
3. To identify how overhead and LCDs projects, television (computer), electronics white boards (interactive smart board) can be used to change the content and context (structuring ) in teaching technical education.
4. To find out how information and communication technology (ICT)can aid teacher self-learning in technical education.
1.4 Significance of Study
The importance of this study is aimed at identifying some of the roles ofinformation and communication technology (ICT) on this teaching and learning of technical education in tertiary institution. The results of the research workwill contribute to the development and improvement of our educationalsystem.The study will provides information on the utilization of informationand communication technology by the students, in order to achieve success.
Information and communication technology have a major role to play in the processof development, empowerment and awareness of its users. Furthermore, it will also show the importance of technology to taking control of once situation.
The research of this study can be used to identify the preference of information and communication technology to classed structure of school management and method of teaching technical education students.
1.5 Research Questions
The following research question will guide the study.
1. To what extent have educators use computer package (Auto CAD) in teaching and learning technical education?
ii. How can computer be used as “teaching machine” to control student interaction in technical education?
iii. To what extent have overhead and LCDs projectors and interactive smart white board made in structuring the teaching and learning in technical education?
iv. How can information and communication technology (ICT) aid teacher self -learning in technical education.
1.6 Delamination of Study
The scope of the study cover the roles of information and communication technology (ICT) on the teaching and learning of technical education in some tertiary institution in Delta State.
1.7 Definition of Term
Role: Impact of something in a person at a particular activities.
Information: Raw message that is sent out to another person for communication to take place.
Communication: The act of sending raw message or information to another person.
Technology: The study of scientific ideas in practical terms with the use of applied skill and science
Teaching: The process of inculcating knowledge or the act of building up one’s ability and idea through learning.
Learning: The process of acquiring information at a period of time.
Technical education: The application of both theory and practical on applied sciences and technical skills to learner.
Tertiary institution: A higher ground for learning and for impacting Information and knowledge to student.
CAT and CAL: Computer assisted instructor and computer assisted learner.